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Cefnogi'ch Plentyn yn y Cartref ~ Supporting your child at home

Os oes gennych unrhyw bryderon ynglyn â addysg eich plentyn neu am ddysgu drwy'r Gymraeg, dewch i holi yn yr ysgol neu edrychwch ar y dolenni isod.
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Positive and negative effects the internet and technology


Today the fourth guide in a new series of five offering useful ideas for parents and carers has been published.

This guide provides information on some of the positive and negative effects the internet and technology may have on children and young people. The guide includes suggestions for parents and carers on how to manage their child’s well-being along with tips and resources on how to maintain conversations and monitor your child’s interaction with technology.

A parent and carer’s guide to the potential impact of the internet on their children's well-being

Previous issues

If you missed the previous issues you can find them below.

A parent and carer’s guide: Talking to your child about staying safe online

Yr Wyth Ymddygiad Darllen / The Eight Reading Behaviours
