Cefnogi Gyda Lles Eich Plentyn /
Supporting Your Child's Wellbeing.
Mae Iechyd a Lles ein disgyblion a’n staff yn hollbwysig i ni fel ysgol. Hoffem sicrhau bod gan ein plant ni'r wybodaeth a’r sgiliau i fyw bywydau iach, cyfforddus a hapus trwy gydol eu hoes.
The Health and Wellbeing of our pupils and staff is paramount to us as a school. We would like to equip each other with the relevant knowledge and skills to ensure that we are able to live happy, comfortable and healthy lives.
Gweithgareddau o fewn yr ysgol / Activities within the school
1. Ymarfer Corff- Mae gan bob dosbarth sesiwn wythnosol. Gwisgwch wisg ymarfer corff addas i'r ysgol ar y diwrnod penodol (gweler tudalen eich dosbarth am y diwrnod cywir).
Physical Education- Each class is allocated a weekly session. Please ensure that your child comes to school in appropriate clothing on your child's class allocated day (see your class page for the relevant day).
2. ELSA- Cefnogaeth emosiynol. Os ydych yn pryderu am les emosiynol eich plentyn, gadewch yr ysgol wybod ac fe allen trefnu sesiynau cefnogaeth gan deilwra’r sesiynau yn benodol i anghenion eich plentyn.
ELSA- Emotional literacy support. If you have concerns over your child’s emotional well-being please let us know as we are able to provide one to one or group sessions specified to the needs of your child.
3. Sesiynau lles wythnosol ym mhob dosbarth.
Weekly wellbeing sessions within each class.
4. Clybiau Amser Cinio- amgylchedd tawel i blant chwarae gêm bwrdd neu cardiau tu fewn.
Lunchtime clubs which provides a relaxing and calm environment in which pupils can play a board game or cards inside.
5. Gweithgareddau yn yr awyr agored- yn cynnwys clwb Ysgol y Goedwig, Amser Antur a gemau buarth.
Outdoor activities- including Forest Schools club, ‘Amser Antur’ and playtime games.
6. Gwener Gwych- pob prynhawn dydd Gwener mae’r ysgol gyfan yn gwahanu i sawl grŵp ac mae’r disgyblion yn cael dewis gweithgaredd i ddysgu sgil newydd neu sy’n cyfoethogi’r sgiliau sydd ganddynt hwy yn barod gyda phlant ac aelod o staff gwahanol.
Fantastic Fridays- an enrichment afternoon organised every Friday in which the whole school splits into several groups and pupils are able to choose an activity to learn a new skill and work with pupils and teachers that they may not have worked with before.
7. Ffrindiau Ffantastig- cynllun trefnwyd gan y Cyngor Iechyd yn ystod Wythnos Gwrthfwlio, lle penodwyd bob plentyn yn yr ysgol gyda phartner o ddosbarth gwahanol. Bwriad y cynllun yw sicrhau cyfleoedd i'r plant chwarae, trafod a dysgu gyda’i gilydd er mwyn hyrwyddo hapusrwydd a chyfeillgarwch trwy’r ysgol.
Fantastic Friends- a scheme organised by the Healthy Schools council during the Anti-Bullying week, in which every child in the school was appointed a partner from a different class. The aim is to provide opportunities for the children to play, talk and learn together in order to promote friendships and happiness throughout the school.
Adnoddau a gwefannau defnyddiol / Useful resources and websites
Joanne Morgan
01446 704114