Bydd eich plentyn yn derbyn gwaith cartref yn wythnosol/bythefnosol yn dibynnu ar eu hoedran. Pwrpas gwaith cartref yw i atgyfnerthu'r tasgau a gyflwynwyd yn y dosbarth ac hefyd i gynnwys chi fel rhieni yn y fath o waith a ddisgwylir o'ch plentyn. Bydd y tasgau yn amrywio, a lle'n briodol wedi'u gwahaniaethu, ond dylsant fod o fewn cyrraedd eich plentyn. Anogwn chi fel rhieni i helpu'ch plentyn i eistedd ar dasg, i ganolbwyntio, ac i gyflawni'r tasg o'u gorau. Bydd y gwaith cartref yn cael ei gyflwyno'n ddwyiethog bob tro. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiwn ar unrhyw adeg, dewch i holi'r athrawon, neu ysgrifenwch sylwad ar waelod y gwaith cartref.
Your child will receive weekly/fortnightly homework depending on their class/age. The purpose of the homework set is to reinforce the tasks undertaken in class and to give you as parents an insight into the type of work expected by your child. The tasks will vary and where relevant, will be differentiated, but all work should be within your child's ability range. We encourage you as parents to help your child to stay on task, to concentrate and to complete the work to the best of their ability. Homework will always be presented bilingually. If you ever have any questions please come and ask the teachers or fell free to write a comment at the bottom of your child's homework. Diolch