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Pwy 'di Pwy ~ Who's Who

Dewch i gwrdd â staff yr ysgol!
Come and meet the team!

Rydym yn dîm brwdfrydig ag egnïol sydd wrth ein boddau i fod yn rhan o’r ysgol a’i gweld yn tyfu. Os hoffech siarad âg unrhyw aelod o’r staff, dewch i’n gweld, neu cysylltwch â’r swyddfa.

We are an enthusiastic and energetic team that is delighted to be a part of this school as it grows. If you would like to speak to any member of staff, please come and see us or contact the school office.

Staff Dysgu / Teaching Staff



Rôl / Role

Mrs Helen Scully

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Miss Rhian Samuel

Dirprwy Bennaeth, Athrawes Blwyddyn 3 (2) & CADY/ Deputy Headteacher, Year 3 Teacher (2) & ALNCo

Mr Gareth Jones

Athro Blwyddyn 4 & UDA / Year 4 Teacher & SMT

Mrs Bethan Roberts

Athrawes Blwyddyn 2 & UDA  / Year 2 Teacher & SMT

Miss Melissa Davies

Athrawes Meithrin / Nursery Teacher

Miss Ellie Jones

Athrawes Derbyn / Reception Teacher

Mrs Rachel Phillips

Miss Sian Noon-Jones

Athrawes Blwyddyn 1 / Year 1 Teacher

Athrawes Blwyddyn 1 (CPA / PPA)

Mrs Rebecca Murphy

Athrawes Blwyddyn 3 / Year 3 Teacher

Miss Morwenna Evans

Athrawes Blwyddyn 5 / Year 5 Teacher

Mr Sean Howe

Athro Blwyddyn 6 / Year 6 Teacher

Mr Rhys Jones

Athro CPA / PPA Teacher


Staff Cefnogi / Support Staff


Mrs Catrin Beames

Cymhorthydd Dysgu / Learning Support

Miss Vikki Dalton

Cymhorthydd Dysgu / Learning Support

Ms Siân Harries-Roberts

Cymhorthydd Dysgu / Learning Support

Miss Caris Thomas

Cymhorthydd Dysgu / Learning Support

Miss Stephanie Cichocki

Cymhorthydd Dysgu / Learning Support

Miss Codie Enos

Cymhorthydd Dysgu / Learning Support

Mrs Elenid Carlig

Cymhorthydd Dysgu / Learning Support

Mrs Laura BurnettCymhorthydd Dysgu / Learning Support

Mrs Catherine Mayor

Cymhorthydd Dysgu / Learning Support

Mrs Dona Daw

Rheolwr Busnes / Business Manager

Mr Mike Edwards

Gofalwr / Site Manager













